Symptoms of colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer begins with no symptoms at all except that with the passage of time, the number of symptoms that can be considered warning signals are as follows:

• Rectal bleeding
• there is blood in the stool (ruby red, black or very dark)
• A change in the movement of the colon, especially in the nature and the shape of the stool.
• Pain resulting from spasms and cramps in the lower region of the abdomen.
• Frequent gas pains.
• Disorder and the desire to defecate, while there is no need for it.
• Loss of weight without diet.
• Feeling tired and constant stress.

What should I do if my injury with these symptoms?

Consult your doctor, where the doctor is the only one who can determine whether these symptoms are caused by cancer of the colon and rectum or not.


Last Update
4/22/2011 7:39:49 PM